About Us - Sun Spring Resort

About Sun Spring Resort

Sun Spring Resort is one of the largest resort hotels in Jiaoxi, Yilan. Sun Spring Resort is up to code in every aspect. Every room features Wi-Fi and sodium bicarbonate hot springs, which is odorless as opposed to sulphur springs. Our public facilities include spring pools, naked pools, and doctor fish spa.

Please call us at 03-988-7979 #5 and book today!
聯絡我們 Contact Us
電話 Telephone:+886-3-988-7979
傳真 Fax:+886-3-988-0066
地址 Address:26241 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉礁溪路六段36號
TrafficSun Spring Resort is right across from Jiaoxi transit center and is 8-minute walk from the Jiaoxi train station.
A large parking lot.
Free ride back and to the Jiaoxi train station.
FacilitiesEvery room has hot spring (sodium bicarbonate).
2 outdoor public spa pools with massaging nozzles.
4 indoor naked spa pools, 2 for men and 2 for women.
Free breakfast buffet for paid guests.
Spectacular views from the 13th floor.
Every room has free Wi-Fi.
礁溪山泉大飯店 Sun Spring Resort

Sun Spring Resort Co., LTD.
地址:26241 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉礁溪路六段36號
No.36, Sec. 6, Jiaoxi Rd., Jiaoxi Town ship, Yilan County, Taiwan

客服電話:03-988-7979 分機 5 訂房組
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